Concussion Adult
In the first few days following concussion, brain rest is critical to ensuring that your recovery occurs most completely, in the shortest amount of time. That rest includes avoiding or reducing reading, computer work, texting, driving, and watching TV. As the days pass and symptoms improve, activity can be gradually reintroduced. Light exercise begun at the right time aides recovery. Communication between your doctors and therapist is critical to success.
Using over 25 years of professional experience and research in post concussive syndrome, Julie developed the CLEARED Concussion Recovery Program®. This program is the most effective way to recover from concussion, and is currently in use at Neurobalance Physical Therapy, The Denver Broncos, and Resilience Code Concussion Clinic. Ongoing symptoms can include headache, dizziness, blurred vision, neck ache, mood irritability, brain fog, and fatigue. Each of these symptoms are carefully evaluated, with treatment prescribed according to your tolerance and energy levels. Specific tests are carefully chosen to determine the underlying cause of the symptoms. Exercises are prescribed for each individual, ensuring your therapy is performed in the most efficient and effective manner. The frequency of clinic visits is determined together with you, considering tolerance to activity, current schedules, travel distance to the clinic, and symptom types. This can range from twice weekly to once monthly. Manual therapy may be offered for headache, whiplash, or neck/back ache that is often associated with concussion. This can include gentle massage, joint traction/mobilization, and stretching. All therapies are performed in a comfortable fashion, putting you at ease. Duration of therapy varies widely according to the severity and number of symptoms, and pre-existing medical conditions. Care can last a few weeks to several months.
Julie has extensive experience in concussion recovery. She is the concussion PT for the Denver Broncos, and has assisted professional athletes from the NHL, NFL, UFC, and MLB, elite distance runners, and weekend warriors return to their sport. Many adults who have been out of work for months are able to return once they have successfully completed an effective rehabilitation process.